추천 검색어

최근 검색어

뮌헨재보험 한국지점

Munich Re is one of the world’s leading reinsurance companies with around 11,000 employees at over 50 locations around the globe. We are already dealing with issues today that tomorrow will concern the whole of society, whether it is with climate change, major construction projects, gene technology or space travel.

We find answers to these questions through a network of highly qualified colleagues, who anticipate risks, work on tailor-made solutions and competently advise our clients.
서울시 종로구 우정국로 26, 센트로폴리스 A 타워  19층  
서울시 종로구 우정국로 26, 센트로폴리스 A 타워19층  
Munich Re is one of the world’s leading reinsurance companies with around 11,000 employees at over 50 locations around the globe. We are already dealing with issues today that tomorrow will concern the whole of society, whether it is with climate change, major construction projects, gene technology or space travel.

We find answers to these questions through a network of highly qualified colleagues, who anticipate risks, work on tailor-made solutions and competently advise our clients.


Human Resources HR admin
Mainly support HR in various areas including:
- Assist in HR adminstration
- Assist in registration of executives to the government body
- Assist in on-boarding process
- Assist in folder restructuring


지원 자격

English: business level in verbal and written (preferred)
- Well organised and detail oriented
- Structured in thinking and communication
- Confident in dealing with templates and documentation
- Familiar with the share-point and IT tools
- Easy-going with people
- Excellent in MS office (word / excel / powerpoint)


09월 10일 19:00 ~ 09월 14일 12:00
02 398 0329    HR_MRSeoul@munichre.com   
국문, 영문

추가 정보

We are seeking for an intern for one month, who can commence asap.
This position will mainly assist HR and reporting to Head of HR.
* 마감일은 기업의 사정으로 인해 조기 마감 또는 변경될 수 있습니다

09월 10일 19:00 시작
09월 14일 12:00 마감


기업 탐색하기 🔍

부킹닷컴 코리아

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