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최근 검색어

I am an Inside Sales Representative (ISR) at Dell Technologies. I joined Dell as an ISR through the UR program last year. I decided to start my career in sales because I believe it to be the heart of business success, as the main role of sales – effectively pitching and marketing products and services – is a key to the company’s revenue generation. Recognizing the ubiquity and essentiality of IT systems in today's industries, I was naturally drawn to the growing market of IT products and solutions. This interest motivated me to apply to Dell Technologies, a company that offers a wide array of products and solutions tailored for IT environments, believing that this opportunity would not only allow me to expand my knowledge in the IT domain but would also grant me the satisfaction of providing efficient, tailored systems to clients. Having spent nearly two years at Dell, I would like to share the aspects in which I have been able to grow based on my experiences thus far in my journey.


In my capacity as an ISR at Dell, I actively collaborate with various business units (BUs) to grasp the specific requirements of our clients’ industries. I then leverage this understanding to propose solutions for the establishment of efficient IT infrastructures. There is no denying that comprehending our products and services is of paramount importance in possessing expertise in sales, given that the core of our responsibilities revolves around explaining our solutions. To better enhance our expertise as an ISR, Dell provides a well-structured training program, which strengthens our understanding in current IT trends and terms, sales activities and strategies. With this training, I have had the privilege of acquiring insights into diverse approaches, equipping me to apply them effectively in accordance with each and every unique situation.

Participating in the company's mentoring program has enabled me to engage in meaningful discussions and accumulate valuable insights by collaborating with technical sales experts across diverse domains. These interactions have not only expanded my outlook but also allowed me to fine-tune my personal sales methodology. With the overarching objective of acquiring a well-rounded expertise and drawing from a variety of experiences, I am dedicated to further refining my effective sales approach. I aspire to offer guidance aimed at optimizing the efficiency of our clients' IT system operations, and more ambitiously, actively contributing to the growth of our clients.

To learn more about life at Dell Technologies, visit our stories.


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Dinto 딘토 Dinto는 deeply into를 뜻하며 '깊이'에 대한 우리의 열망을 상징합니다. 깊이 없는 아름다움은 장식에 불과하다고 믿습니다. 우리는 매 순간 감응하며 나만의 철학과 아름다움을 쌓아가는 여성을 찬미하며 고전문학에서 영감을 받은 컬러로 여성의 삶을 다채로이 채색하고자 합니다. 전과는 다른 눈으로 세상을 바라보게 되는 그런 글처럼 딘토가 하나의 계기가 되기를, 안목을 넓히고 격을 높여줄 수 있기를 바랍니다. - 핀 더 푸드 our phillosophy 배부른 영양결핍과 고달픈 자기관리에 지쳐버린 현대인들에게 생기와 활력을 불어넣을 수 있도록 당신의 삶을 가볍게 그리고 즐겁게 핀더푸드가 제안하는 건강한 다이어트&이너뷰티의 시작 our promise 더 간편한 더 맛있는 더 효과적인 경험을 위한 핀더푸드 내 몸을 위한 거니까, 자연주의 착한 성분으로 HACCP&GMP의 엄격한 품질관리로 다양하고 트렌디한 식이요법을 약속합니다. our vision 바쁜 일상 속, 더 이상의 수고를 보탤 필요는 없기에 우리가 당신의 예쁨과 멋짐, 건강을 효율적으로 관리하는 방법을 제안합니다. 더 확실하고, 더 맛있고, 더 간편한 제품개발을 위해 끝없이 연구합니다. 고된 자기관리에 지친 당신을 위해, 핀더푸드.
