추천 검색어

최근 검색어


Cactus Communications (www.cactusglobal.com) is a leading provider of communication solutions, including academic and scientific editing, research impact and engagement solutions, medical communications, publication support services, English language workshops, transcription, and translation. Our company mission is to enable growth through effective communication.

Editage (www.editage.co.kr ), a division of Cactus Communications is a consumer-technology business that helps researchers, scientists and doctors overcome barriers of the English language to engage a global audience in their cutting-edge research through publication and visual content development.
Having worked with over 250,000 scientists globally, supporting almost a million papers, Editage is now working with societies, publishers and universities to help publish cutting-edge research and to engage targeted audiences around the world, thinking beyond the traditional article that has served research publishing for over 2 centuries.
서울특별시 마포구 월드컵북로 22,  영준빌딩 4층  
서울특별시 마포구 월드컵북로 22,영준빌딩 4층  
Cactus Communications (www.cactusglobal.com) is a leading provider of communication solutions, including academic and scientific editing, research impact and engagement solutions, medical communications, publication support services, English language workshops, transcription, and translation. Our company mission is to enable growth through effective communication.

Editage (www.editage.co.kr ), a division of Cactus Communications is a consumer-technology business that helps researchers, scientists and doctors overcome barriers of the English language to engage a global audience in their cutting-edge research through publication and visual content development.
Having worked with over 250,000 scientists globally, supporting almost a million papers, Editage is now working with societies, publishers and universities to help publish cutting-edge research and to engage targeted audiences around the world, thinking beyond the traditional article that has served research publishing for over 2 centuries.


[재택근무/ 대학교 재학생 지원가능] 마케팅 인턴 인턴 (6개월)
• SNS 콘텐츠 creating을 맡습니다.
• 월간 콘텐츠 일정을 스케줄링 합니다.
• Stakeholder와 협업하여 SNS 게재 일자를 스케줄링합니다.
• content SNS 콘텐츠의 트렌드를 빠르게 파악하여 블로그 및 기사를 SNS에 게재합니다.
• CANVA 등의 기본 디자인 툴을 이용합니다.
• SNS 답글, DM, 멘션을 관리합니다.

• Expert in content writing for social media posts
• Creating monthly content calendars
• Must be well abreast with all social media content trends
• Good at repurposing blogs/articles to social media
• Good at managing internal stakeholders and scheduling their posting requests on SNS
• Can do basic designing on CANVA 8. Tracking comments/DMS/mentions (Meltwater/manually)
• Good with tech


지원 자격

대학교 재학생도 지원 가능합니다.
영어능통자 우대합니다.
• 전공무관하며 대학교 재학생 및 졸업생 지원 가능합니다.
• 영어 능통자 우대합니다.
• 프로젝트 관리 능력 및 업체와의 협력 능력이 중요합니다.
• 글로벌 기업의 특성상 문화 다양성에 융화가능한 모습이 중요합니다.
• 시간관리 능력 및 우선순위에 따른 업무처리능력이 필요합니다.

• Bachelor’s degree in any subject
Native level written and spoken Korean language skills
• Professional level written and spoken English language skills
• Project management skills needed and vendor management experience is preferred
as the role requires to work with multiple vendors
• Basic computer knowledge is required
• Very strong customer focus and adaptability to different personality types and people from different cultures
• Positive, passionate, open and keen to learn
• Ability to multi-task and manage time effectively(Deliver completed files on time)
• 마케팅 분야로의 커리어 개발을 원하시는 대학교 재학생 및 졸업생 분들에게
좋은 기회가 될 것입니다.
• 외국계 기업으로의 커리어 패스에 긍정적인 포지션입니다.

This role provides global business opportunities as you are expected to work under the global banding team of diverse nationalities.
The role requires you to work with professional vendors in Korea for various projects so you can acquire business skills while working with them.
Without saying, your English skills will improve a lot since the primary language is English.
If you would like to experience working with a global company, this is the best opportunity that you can get.


*영문이력서 지원 필수
*슈퍼루키 통하여 지원 또는 인사담당자 앞 이메일 지원 가능 (soojung.ahn@cactusglobal.com)
07월 05일 10:00 ~ 08월 10일 19:56
010-4738-3656    soojung.ahn@cactusglobal.com   


1차 면접(Case study)
HR 면접

추가 정보

*재택근무 시행합니다.
*일일 4-5시간 (주 5일 근무)
*자세한 사항은 첨부의 파일 확인 바랍니다.

This role provides global business opportunities as you are expected to work under the global banding team of diverse nationalities.
The role requires you to work with professional vendors in Korea for various projects so you can acquire business skills while working with them.
Without saying, your English skills will improve a lot since the primary language is English.
If you would like to experience working with a global company, this is the best opportunity that you can get.
* 마감일은 기업의 사정으로 인해 조기 마감 또는 변경될 수 있습니다

07월 05일 10:00 시작
08월 10일 19:56 마감


기업 탐색하기 🔍